
Friday, August 12, 2016

CENSORED NEWS: Standing Rock Chairman Arrested at Dakota Access Pipeline Blockade

CENSORED NEWS: Standing Rock Chairman Arrested at Dakota Access Pipeline Blockade

What is illegal for persons seems to be acceptable for corporations. This needs to be stopped immediately before it sets some sort of precedence in corporate controlled courtrooms.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Judge Stops Government-Sanctioned Pollution Of Lake

Earthjustice wins 11-year legal water pollution battle to stop pumping of polluted water into Lake Okeechobee.

TALLAHASSEE, FLA.  — A major decision in federal court today will put an end to government-sanctioned pollution that’s been fouling Lake Okeechobee for more than three decades.

The case, first filed in 2002 by Earthjustice, challenged the practice of  “backpumping.” For years, South Florida sugar and vegetable growers have used the public’s waters, pumped out of giant Lake Okeechobee, to irrigate their fields. They wash the water over their industrial-sized crops, where it is contaminated with fertilizers and other pollutants. Then, they get taxpayers in the South Florida Water Management District to pay to pump the contaminated water back into Lake Okeechobee, where it pollutes public drinking water supplies. Lake Okeechobee provides drinking water for West Palm Beach, Fort Myers, and the entire Lower East Coast metropolitan area.

Earthjustice contended that the South Florida Water Management District was violating the Clean Water Act by allowing the agricultural companies to send fertilizer-laden water into public water supplies, instead of cleaning it up first.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Karas in the Southern District of New York ruled Friday, March 28, 2014 that the water transfer practice does, indeed, violate the Clean Water Act.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Crocktees Blog: BP Beyond Pollution t-shirt and print

The Crocktees Blog: BP Beyond Pollution t-shirt and print: After failure after failure, BP must be held accountable for the largest oil spill in history. Crocktees brings you Beyond Pollution t-shirts. Because the tragedy of the Gulf Coast will go beyond this year and beyond this decade, but it cannot be beyond BP and the oversight that caused it. Boycott BP now, and make them responsible for the mess they caused.